According to statistics, the winter catch in the United States is more than 30% of that in other seasons, which is very surprising. So next, let's examine some places in the United States that are optimal for ice fishing.
Woods Lake, Minnesota. The lake contains plenty of fish, ranging from trout, corneal mackerel to bass. Every winter, Woods Lake becomes a huge shantytown specially used for social adventures and ice fishing.
Lake Winnebago, Wisconsin. The largest inland lake in Wisconsin has rich species of corneal white spot fish, as well as bass, white bass, and sturgeon.
Fort Peck Lake, Montana. This place is the fifth-largest artificial lake in the United States. All kinds of fish are about the same size, sufficient to meet your daily dietary requirements. You can catch lake trout, northern barracuda, corneal white spot fish, or sorgo fish.
Eleven Mile Reservoir, Colorado. Eleven Mile Reservoir is one of the country’s top lake trout fishing sites. It provides top-notch ice fishing opportunities from December to March of the following year. The average height of trout is about 17 inches, but trout of 20 inches are not uncommon here.
Champlain Lake, Vermont. Champlain Lake contains a sufficient amount of fish in winter. There are many stores selling bait and fishing gear near the lake where you can learn the best fishing spots. There are also many options for renting equipment in shantytowns nearby.
Devil Lake, North Dakota. If you are interested in bass, there is no better place than Devil Lake. North Dakota will become freezing in winter, so remember to wear multiple layers of clothes.